Interface ContentViewService

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ContentViewService
    This interface abstracts out the Business Logic services available for this micro-service.
    • Method Detail

      • fetchRecentFeed

        List<Feed> fetchRecentFeed​(String currentUserID)
                            throws InternalServerException,
        A service that lets the currently logged-in user fetch the recent feed for them. The current implementation fetches feeds upload in the last 2 days.
        currentUserID - The id of the user currently logged in.
        Returns the list of feed for the user.
        InternalServerException - Thrown incase there is some internal error.
        FeedLoadFailedException - Thrown incase the feed for the user couldn't be loaded.
      • updateMemoryWithReact

        void updateMemoryWithReact​(String memoryID,
                                   String currentUserID,
                                   String reactedUserID)
                            throws InternalServerException
        A service that lets the currently logged-in user persist their star on the database.
        memoryID - The id of the memory on which the star/comment has been made.
        currentUserID - The id of the user making the reaction.
        reactedUserID - The id of the user on whose memory reaction has been made.
        InternalServerException - Thrown incase that there is some internal error.
      • updateMemoryWithComment

        void updateMemoryWithComment​(String memoryID,
                                     String currentUserID,
                                     String reactedUserID,
                                     String commentText)
                              throws InternalServerException
        A service that lets the currently logged-in user persist their comment on the database.
        memoryID - The id of the memory on which the star/comment has been made.
        currentUserID - The id of the user making the reaction.
        reactedUserID - The id of the user on whose memory reaction has been made.
        commentText - The comment that has been made.
        InternalServerException - Thrown incase that there is some internal error.
      • registerReport

        void registerReport​(Map<String,​Object> payload)
        A service that lets the user to register a report against a memory.
        payload - The request body, passed in directly from the controller.